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The Best Flowers For Companion Planting


Companion planting is a gardening technique that involves planting certain plants together to benefit each other. This can be done to improve the growth, flavor, or pest resistance of the plants involved. Flowers can be especially beneficial in companion planting, as they can attract pollinators, deter pests, and add beauty to the garden.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best flowers for companion planting. We will cover their benefits, how to plant them, and some tips for success.

Benefits of Companion Planting with Flowers

There are many benefits to companion planting with flowers. Here are a few of the most important:

  • Attracting pollinators: Flowers attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. These pollinators help to pollinate vegetable plants, which can lead to increased yields.
  • Deterrent pests: Some flowers can deter pests from vegetable plants. For example, marigolds are known to repel nematodes, which can damage tomatoes, potatoes, and other crops.
  • Improving soil quality: Flowers can help to improve soil quality by adding nutrients and organic matter. This can benefit all of the plants in the garden.
  • Adding beauty: Flowers can add beauty to any garden. They can also be used to create borders, pathways, and focal points.

How to Plant Flowers for Companion Planting

When planting flowers for companion planting, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Choose the right flowers: Not all flowers are created equal when it comes to companion planting. Some flowers are better suited for certain types of vegetables than others. Do some research to find the best flowers for your specific garden.
  • Plant the flowers in the right location: The location of the flowers is important. Some flowers need full sun, while others prefer partial shade. Make sure to plant the flowers in a location that meets their needs.
  • Space the flowers properly: The spacing of the flowers is also important. If the flowers are too close together, they may compete for resources. Make sure to space the flowers according to their mature size.

Tips for Success with Companion Planting

Here are a few tips for success with companion planting:

  • Experiment: There is no one-size-fits-all approach to companion planting. The best way to find out what works in your garden is to experiment. Try different combinations of flowers and vegetables and see what works best for you.
  • Observe your garden: Pay attention to your garden and see how the plants interact with each other. If you notice that a certain combination of plants is not working well, you can adjust it accordingly.
  • Have fun! Companion planting should be enjoyable. If you are not having fun, you are less likely to stick with it. So relax, experiment, and enjoy the process.


Companion planting with flowers can be a great way to improve the health and productivity of your garden. By following the tips in this blog post, you can create a beautiful and productive garden that is full of beneficial plants.

FAQ of best flowers for companion planting

Q: What are the benefits of companion planting?

A: Companion planting is the practice of planting certain types of plants together in order to benefit each other. There are many benefits to companion planting, including:

  • Attracting pollinators: Many flowers attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. These pollinators help to pollinate other plants in the garden, which can lead to increased yields.
  • Decreasing pests and diseases: Some flowers can help to repel pests and diseases. For example, nasturtiums are a good companion plant for tomatoes because they help to repel whiteflies.
  • Improving soil health: Some flowers can help to improve soil health by adding nutrients or by attracting beneficial insects. For example, comfrey is a good companion plant for roses because it helps to improve soil drainage and fertility.
  • Creating a more diverse garden: Companion planting can help to create a more diverse garden, which can be beneficial for both the plants and the gardener. A diverse garden is more resistant to pests and diseases, and it can also be more beautiful and interesting.

Q: What are some of the best flowers for companion planting?

A: There are many great flowers for companion planting, but some of the most popular include:

  • Nasturtiums: Nasturtiums are a good companion plant for many vegetables, including tomatoes, cucumbers, and beans. They help to repel pests and diseases, and they also add nitrogen to the soil.
  • Marigolds: Marigolds are another good companion plant for vegetables. They help to repel nematodes, which can damage plant roots. They also attract pollinators, which can help to increase yields.
  • Chrysanthemums: Chrysanthemums are a good companion plant for roses. They help to repel aphids and other pests. They also attract beneficial insects, such as ladybugs.
  • Lavender: Lavender is a good companion plant for many flowers, including roses, geraniums, and lavender. It helps to repel moths and other pests. It also has a calming fragrance that can be beneficial for both the plants and the gardener.
  • Sunflowers: Sunflowers are a good companion plant for many vegetables, including tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash. They help to attract pollinators, and they also provide shade for other plants.

Q: How do I choose the right flowers for companion planting?

A: When choosing flowers for companion planting, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • The needs of the plants: The flowers you choose should have similar needs in terms of sun exposure, water, and soil.
  • The benefits of the plants: The flowers you choose should provide some benefit to each other. For example, one plant might attract pollinators, while another might repel pests.
  • The aesthetics of the garden: The flowers you choose should complement each other in terms of color, size, and shape.

Q: How do I plant flowers for companion planting?

A: When planting flowers for companion planting, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Plant the flowers close together: The closer the flowers are planted, the more benefits they will provide each other.
  • Plant the flowers in the right location: Make sure to plant the flowers in a location that meets their needs in terms of sun exposure, water, and soil.
  • Water the flowers regularly: Companion planted flowers will need to be watered regularly, especially during hot, dry weather.

Q: How do I maintain flowers for companion planting?

A: To maintain flowers for companion planting, you will need to:

  • Water the flowers regularly: Companion planted flowers will need to be watered regularly, especially during hot, dry weather.
  • Fertilize the flowers: You may need to fertilize the flowers, especially if the soil is poor.
  • Deadhead the flowers: Deadheading the flowers will encourage new blooms.
  • Protect the flowers from pests and diseases: You may need to protect the flowers from pests and diseases.
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